Angelica Root, Organic 1oz

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Angelica Root, Organic 1oz

USD $5.96
Angelica Root, Organic 1oz
Angelica Root, Organic 1oz

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Angelica Root, Organic 1oz

USD $5.96
Model Number: RS-HRB-ANGR
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Categories: Herbs + Ingredients
Manufacturer: Roots Shoppe
  • Description

Botanical Name: Angelica archangelica

Also Known As: archangelica officinalis, wild celery, root of the Holy Ghost or Angel of Herbs

General Info:  Prefers northern latitudes and is widely distributed throughout Asia, Europe, and parts of the United States. This member of the Apiaceae family grows in damp soil, near running water, and along woodland edges. Angelica is the European cousin of the more familiar dong-quai. A graceful flowering plant related to carrots, dill, and fennel, angelica is found as far north as Nunavut and Lapland and as far south as Syria and South Carolina.

Historical Uses:

Medicinal Properties:  It is said that Archangel Michael had a dream that angelica was the antidote for the plague. Used as a fixative due to its presence of the fatty acid exaltolide.

Magical Uses & Associations:  Magical uses include protection against negative energy, purification, uncrossing, curses, hexes. Promotes healing, temperance, induces visions and to bring back a lost love.

Form: cut & sifted; can be infused as tea, tinctured, and used as a flavoring in liquors.

Scent:  Angelica roots are aromatic and considered to have spicy, bitter, and warming energetics.

Origin:  Europe

Precautions:  Avoid during pregnancy or if trying to become pregnant. Women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding should also avoid during menstruation. It is said that with long term use angelica may cause photosensitivity for some.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.