You are so much more than your symptoms and diagnoses. You are a whole person, with intricately woven together systems and life experiences.
Here at Roots, we believe in working functionally. What does working functionally even mean? It means taking all aspects of your being into consideration before making recommendations.
If we back up and look at things from a new perspective, we can imagine each personβs health being like a tree. Imagine the symptoms and diagnoses being the branches. We like to help you dig deeper to uncover the roots. Imagine the four roots of the tree being inflammation, digestion, genetics, and trauma. Now that the tree is clear, we can back up even further and look at the soil around the roots. This soil is made up of our lifestyle- the foods we eat, the things we drink, the toxins we take in, our sleep, our stress levels, and so much more. We invoke the most change on the tree when we fix the soil it is growing from. This is how we work functionally here at Roots, from the soil up.

Start the Journey, Reclaim Your Power
Are you ready to root down, reclaim your power, and stand up?
If so, we would love to work with you!
We offer a variety of individual sessions to support you in your journey.
Holistic Health Sessions ~ Stand Up Sessions ~ Intuitive Readings ~Virtual Birth Support Services
Available via phone or video session.
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